The story of the film follows Karan Khanna, a politician of Indian origin in the United Kingdom, who is accused of killing his wife. He tells his lawyer that a…
Apocalyptic 2077
After witnessing the apocalypse from a research bunker in the Scottish highlands, Jack survives with only the station’s AI mainframe computer ( J.I.M. ) to keep him company. When the…
The Accidental Prime Minister
Based on the memoir by Indian policy analyst Sanjaya Baru, The Accidental Prime Minister explores Manmohan Singh’s tenure as the Prime Minister of India, and the kind of control he…
Man Like Mobeen
Murdered by My Father
Every parent wants the best for their kids, and Shahzad is no exception. Ever since his wife died he’s been trying to keep his two kids Salma and Hassan on…
Guest iin London
A young couple in London struggle to live with their estranged aunt and uncle, who overstay their welcome.
Toxic Apocalypse
Danny’s father, a pioneering research scientist, has disappeared. Suspecting foul-play, Danny goes undercover at the research centre where he worked. He soon discovers that there is something sinister at work….